Cost-Benefit Analysis for Cycling Facility (CBA_CF) tool has been developed by World Bank Group (WBG) staff members to support WBG client countries and policy decision makers in cost benefit analysis for cycling facility investments. The CBA_CF tool contains a technical background paper that can be downloaded from HERE and online-based tool including input pages, the formulas therein, the result page, and any other materials provided as part of the CBA_CF tool. The result can be downloaded in a Microsoft Excel format.
The CBA_CF tool is supplied in good faith and is based on certain factors, assumptions, and expert opinions that the WBG may in its absolute discretion have considered appropriate at the time the tool was developed. The user is responsible for any data, statistics, and other information put into the various CBA_CF tool, as well as for any interpretation and conclusion based on the results of the CBA_CF tool.
The WBG provides the CBA_CF tool as is and disclaims all warranties, oral or written, express or implied. That disclaimer includes without limitation a warranty of the fitness for a particular purpose or noninfringement or accuracy, completeness, quality, timeliness, reliability, performance, or continued availability of the CBA_CF tool as a cost-benefit analysis tool. The WBG does not represent that the CBA_CF tool or any information or results derived from the CBA_CF tool are accurate or complete or applicable to a user’s circumstances and accepts no liability in relation thereto. The WBG shall not have any liability for errors, omissions, or interruptions of the CBA_CF tool.
The WBG will not be responsible or liable to users of the CBA_CF tool or to any other party for any information or results derived from using the CBA_CF tool for any business or policy decisions made in connection with such usage. Without limiting the foregoing, in no event shall the WBG be liable for any lost profits—direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential—or any exemplary damages arising in connection with use of the CBA_CF tool, even if notified of the possibility thereof. By using the CBA_CF tool, the user acknowledges and agrees that such usage is at the user’s sole risk and responsibility.
The CBA_CF tool does not constitute legal or other professional advice, but in particular it does constitute an interpretation of these Financial Action Task Force (FATF) documents: FATF 40 Recommendations and Methodology for Assessing Technical Compliance with the FATF Recommendations and the Effectiveness of AML/CFT Systems. The WBG shall not be responsible for any adverse findings, ratings, or criticisms from the FATF or FATF-style regional bodies arising from use of the CBA_CF tool.
Nothing herein shall constitute or be considered a limitation on or a waiver of the privileges and immunities of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which are specifically reserved.
Disclaimer for Implication of CBA_CF Outputs
The CBA_CF tool gives first initial insight of potential benefits of cycling, and can be a powerful communication tool. However, the tool is designed especially for Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) where data availability is limited, and users can select default values that the tool provides or input user’s own research data as at user’s responsibility. There may be a discrepancy from a detailed cost-benefit analysis.
The CBA_CF tool is mainly applicable to an investment case of constructing a new protected cycling facility.
The current model cannot consider modal shift from two or three wheelers.
Detailed equations and limitations for a demand estimation modelmodel, the inclusion of benefit categories, and benefits estimation models can be found in the technical background paper that can be downloaded from HERE .
The CBA_CF results will produce economic net present value (NPV) and economic internal rate of return (IRR). The NPV refers to the sum of the present value at the beginning of the construction period when the project discounts the economic net benefit of each year during the calculation period to the present value at the beginning of the construction period according to the social discount rate. The IRR refers to the discount rate when the present value of the project’s benefit flow during the calculation period is cumulatively equal to zero. Generally, when the NPV is greater than 0, the projected earnings (in present dollars) exceed the anticipated costs, suggesting the investment is profitable. When the IRR is higher than the discount rate, the investment is deemed as economically efficient.
General case studies for cycling facility investment CBA in LMICs can be found in the report “The Path Less Travelled”. * Their results are not based on the CBA_CF tool.
Project Basic Parameters
Safety Benefit Parameters
General Parameters
Emission Reduction Parameters
Time Saving Parameters
Health Benefit Parameters
General Parameters
Accident Prevention Parameters
Health Benefit Parameters
Emission Reduction Parameters
Cost Streams and Indicators: